Know Your Customer (KYC)
Formal identification of users and customers during registration and entry into business relations is a mandatory requirement to increase security and protection against fraud.
The Company requires this procedure as it is an integral part of responsible gambling, together with the prevention of fraud and financial crimes, and is required by applicable legislation.
During the registration of a new account, the Company will check that users are over 18 years of age and verify their identity (a process called Know Your Customer 'KYC').
Identification Procedure
A copy of the User's passport, ID card or driving license must be presented, along with a handwritten note indicating six randomly generated numbers each. In addition, a second image with the User/Customer's face is required to ensure validity. The User/Customer may blur all information except for their date of birth, nationality, gender, first name, last name and photo to protect their privacy. The four corners of the ID and/or passport must be visible in the same image and all details must be clearly legible, except for the details mentioned above. We may request all details if necessary.
An employee may also conduct additional checks if necessary, depending on the circumstances.
Proof of Address
Verification of proof of address will be done through electronic checks where we use various databases. Each customer must provide a utility bill (excluding mobile phone bills), bank statement or tax bill issued within the last three months, or an official document issued by the government verifying the user’s permanent residence.
To make the verification process efficient, please ensure that the document submitted/uploaded is of clear resolution, preferably in PDF format, all four corners of the document are visible and all texts are legible.
An employee may conduct additional checks if necessary, depending on the circumstances.

1. Compliance Management and AML Policies
The company’s policy is to monitor its compliance program with legal and regulatory AML/CFT requirements. The policy will be reviewed annually and changes will be added accordingly when new products or regulations are introduced.
The effectiveness of the Company’s AML/CFT program is regularly evaluated to ensure that it remains current and compliant with business activities, regulatory developments, industry standards and best practices. By doing so, the Company complies with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions in which it operates.

2. Data Retention
The Company must retain documents and information used to identify and verify customers, including data processed through third-party verification services, for a minimum of five years after the termination of the business relationship, unless otherwise required by law. The Company may process personal data collected during the registration of an account with our Company solely for the purpose of preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the data must not be processed in a manner incompatible with the purpose, for example, for marketing purposes.

3. Cooperation and Information Exchange
The Company cooperates with surveillance and law enforcement authorities in preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism, thereby communicating information submitted to the Company and responding to inquiries within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the duties, obligations and restrictions arising from the legislation.
If you have general questions about our policies or have a problem or complaint, you can contact our support team at with an accurate description to expedite the resolution.